[IMG]/FURL/imagecache/cropfit@w=710/blob/images/articles/3/c/3c977553-44e6-11eb-8eb0-42010a80004f/woman-problem-quit-alcohol-t.jpg[/IMG] Why Alcohol Is The Hardest Drug to Quit
You might not think of an alcoholic beverage as a drug, but it actually is. The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages is a drug called ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol. What makes alcohol different from substances like heroin or cocaine is primarily this: it is not an illegal substance. In America alone, there are more than 600,000 bars, restaurants, and nightclubs where you can get a drink.
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You might not think of an alcoholic beverage as a drug, but it actually is. The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages is a drug called ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol. What makes alcohol different from substances like heroin or cocaine is primarily this: it is not an illegal substance. In America alone, there are more than 600,000 bars, restaurants, and nightclubs where you can get a drink.
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